Why Use Shoe Trees?

Why Use Shoe Trees?

Why use Shoe Trees


Shoe trees are an essential part of looking after shoes and keeping them in good condition - making them last longer.


  1. They help the shoes dry out
  2. They help reform the shoe
  3. They help straighten out creases

Your feet are one of the sweatiest parts of the body and a lot of moisture ends up in the leather. The shoe also form a curve shape through use and creases at the bottom of the arch with each step you take. 

If you don't look after the leather the creases in the upper may end up cracking. So firstly it is important to straighten them out, but secondly it is important to dry the leather and the feed it with good polishes or balms.

Never dry damp or wet should out near a heat source you are sure to damage the leathers. If you have leather soles, the same applies. You should also never get a full rubberskin put on over theleather soles in an effort to try to make them last longer as this too can alter the way the shoe bends. We recommend that you use our special stick on sole protectors if you must try to porlong the life of your shoes. They are designed to only stop you wearing holes and still let the leather breahe. See them here.

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